Introduction to Algebra is required of students who demonstrate a need for additional time in the basics of mathematics. The course focuses on developing a mastery of the skills needed to succeed in a traditional Algebra I course in high school. Topics include, but are but not limited to: fractions, decimals, measurement, proportions, area, volume, interpretation of graphs as well as, algebraic concepts that will be further developed in later courses. Manipulatives are utilized to enhance kinesthetic learning.
Sequence: Algebra I
ALGEBRA I – Eighth / Freshmen - 1 credit
Algebra I is an introduction to the basic principles of algebra and the real number system with emphasis on process, structure and problem solving. Algebra I prepares students with the fundamental algebraic concepts needed for future math courses. It provides the students with the opportunity to develop logical thinking skills and the ability to solve problems based on real world situations. This course includes the study of algebraic expressions, linear equations, inequalities, systems of equations, rational numbers, graphing linear equations, quadratics, polynomials and factoring.
Sequence: Geometry
ALGEBRA I HONORS - Eighth / Freshmen - 1 credit
This course covers the same topics as the Algebra I course with additional emphasis given to theory and problem solving. The honors class exhibits a rigorous academic environment in which material is presented at a faster pace. A greater emphasis is placed on the application of knowledge. Honors students are required to delve deeper into course content and tackle complex, multi-step, multi-dimensional problems.
Sequence: Geometry Honors
GEOMETRY– Freshmen / Sophomores - 1 credit
Geometry affords students the opportunity to understand and master the fundamental concepts of Euclidean Geometry. Students will visualize Geometry not as a course in proof, but as a representation of the real world. The beginning of the course will review coordinate geometry through the analysis of points, planes, lines and angles. The properties, postulates, theorems and corollaries associated with circles, triangle, quadrilaterals and other polygons will be covered. The concepts of parallel and perpendicular lines, similarity and congruence will be investigated in detail. Various types of reasoning and some proofs will be explored.
Sequence: Algebra II
GEOMETRY HONORS – Freshmen / Sophomores - 1 credit
This course covers the same topics as the Geometry course with additional emphasis given to theory and problem solving. The honors class exhibits a rigorous academic environment in which material is presented at a faster pace. A greater emphasis is placed on the application of knowledge. Honors students are required to delve deeper into course content and tackle complex, multi-step, multi-dimensional problems.
Sequence: Algebra II Honors
ALGEBRA II - Sophomores / Juniors - 1 credit
Algebra II strengthens the student’s understanding and mastery of the fundamental skills begun in Algebra I. It emphasizes the shift from the ability to manipulate numbers to a higher form of conceptual understanding and problem solving. It offers further practice in topics such as: solving and graphing linear equations, simplifying polynomials and factoring. New topics include, but are not limited to: complex numbers, quadratic equations, completing the square, the quadratic formula, systems of equations, matrices, rational expressions, conic sections, logarithms and basic trigonometric functions.
Sequence: Math ACT score 19 or greater: Algebra III DE
Math ACT score 18 or below: Algebra III
ALGEBRA II HONORS – Sophomores / Juniors - 1 credit
This course covers the same topics as the Algebra II course with additional emphasis given to theory and problem solving. The honors class exhibits a rigorous academic environment in which material is presented at a faster pace. A greater emphasis is placed on the application of knowledge. Honors students are required to delve deeper into course content and tackle complex, multi-step, multi-dimensional problems.
Sequence: Math ACT score 19 or greater & previous honors math: Pre-Cal DE Honors
Math ACT score 18 or below: Algebra III
ALGEBRA III – Juniors / Seniors - 1 credit
Algebra III continues the study of the Algebra topics begun in the Algebra II course and introduces the study of trigonometry. This course is very valuable to students because it contains many of the same topics covered in a first year Algebra course in college. Topics to be studied include, but are not limited to: trigonometric functions, polynomial and rational functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, parametric and polar functions.
Sequence: Algebra III DE
ALGEBRA III DE – Juniors / Seniors - 1 credit
Math 1021 DE: Math 1021 Dual Enrollment is a course whereby students take a college Algebra course at SSA by an SSA instructor and simultaneously receive a high school credit through SSA and a college credit through Louisiana State University. Students do not have to commit to dual enrollment; however, all students scheduled for Algebra III DE (Math 1021) will follow the same curriculum and take the same assessments. There is a fee for dual enrollment through LSU and is nonrefundable if a student so chooses to withdraw from the course.
Topics include the application of trigonometric functions, polynomial and rational functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, parametric and polar functions, and vectors.
Sequence: Adv. Math/Pre-Cal DE
PRE-CALCULUS DE (HONORS) – Juniors / Seniors - 1 credit
Math 1021/1022 Dual Enrollment is a course whereby students complete both college algebra and college trigonometry at SSA by an SSA instructor and simultaneously receive a high school credit through SSA and two college credits through Louisiana State University. Students do not have to commit to dual enrollment; however, all students scheduled for Pre-Cal DE H (Math 1021/1022) will follow the same curriculum and take the same assessments. There is a fee each semester for dual enrollment through LSU and is nonrefundable if a student so chooses to withdraw from the course. In order to enroll in Math 1022 a student must have a minimum math ACT score of 25 or successful completion of Math 1021 through LSU.
Topics covered include, but are not limited to: solving equations and inequalities; lines and circles; functions and their graphs; inverse functions; polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic functions with applications; evaluating trigonometric functions of general angles, graphic trig. functions, inverse trig. functions, identities and formulas; solving trig. equations, triangle applications, polar graphs and vectors.
Sequence: Math ACT score 25 or completion of Math 1021: Business Calculus DE
Math ACT score 27: AP Calculus AB
ADV. MATH/PRE-CAL DE – Seniors - 1 credit
Math 1022 DE/Calculus: Math 1022 Dual Enrollment is a course whereby students take a college trigonometry course at SSA by an SSA instructor and simultaneously receive a high school credit through SSA and a college credit through Louisiana State University. Students do not have to commit to the dual enrollment; however, all students scheduled for Adv. Math/Pre-Cal DE (Math 1022) will follow the same curriculum and take the same assessments. There is a fee for dual enrollment through LSU and is nonrefundable if a student so chooses to withdraw from the course.
Topics include right angle trigonometry, solving oblique triangles, and analytical trigonometry, and parametric and polar equations, functions, limits, continuity, derivatives, differentiability, integrals, and applications of differentiation and integration. These topics will be approached from the graphing, analytical, numerical and verbal perspectives.
BUSINESS CALCULUS DE (CP) – Seniors - 1 credit
Math 1431 Dual Enrollment is a course whereby students take a college calculus course at SSA by an SSA instructor and simultaneously receive a high school credit through SSA and a college credit through Louisiana State University. Students do not have to commit to dual enrollment; however, all students scheduled for Calculus DE (Math 1431) will follow the same curriculum and take the same assessments. There is a fee for dual enrollment through LSU and is nonrefundable if a student so chooses to withdraw from the course.
This Calculus course is designed for business, economics, life science and social sciences majors. Topics included are functions and graphs, limits and derivatives, graphing and optimization, and integration. Students must have completed Math 1021 with a “C” or higher or have earned a math ACT score of 25.
CALCULUS AP AB (HONORS) – Seniors - 1 credit
Calculus AP AB is geared for advanced students who have completed Pre-Calculus DE Honors in their Junior year and are ready for a more rigorous course of study. Students are placed in this course based on their math performance, teacher recommendation, and standardized test scores. A minimum ACT math score of 27 is required for entrance into this course.
Calculus AP AB involves an intensive review of topics from Algebra, Geometry and Trigonometry. Topics included are the study of functions, limits, continuity, derivatives, differentiability, integrals, and applications of differentiation and integration. These topics will be approached from the graphing, analytical, numerical and verbal perspectives. Additionally, these two courses are comparable to the first two Calculus courses in college making it possible for students who take them to receive several hours of college credit.
CALCULUS I (HONORS) DE - Seniors - 1 credit
Calculus I Honors Dual Enrollment encompasases Math 1530 and Math 1540 through Louisiana State University. Math 1530 and Math 1540 together, cover the content of Math 1550. Students taking this course can earn a total of 6 credit hours in calculus. They do not have to commit to dual enrollment; however, all students scheduled for Calculus I Honors DE will follow the same curriculum and take the same assessments. There is a fee for dual enrollment through LSU and is nonrefundable if a student so chooses to withdraw from the course.
This course is designed for math, sciences and engineering majors. Topics included in Math 1530 are limits, derivatives of algebraic, exponential, logarithmic and trigonometric functions, with applications. Topics included in Math 1540 are integrals of algebraic, exponential, logarithmic and trigonometric functions, with applications. To enter this course, students must meet the LA Board of Regents requirements and earn a minimum score of 76 on the LSU ALEKS calculus placement test.
ELEMENTARY STATISTICS DE : Seniors only - 1 credit
Prerequisite: College Algebra. This course is a dual enrollment course offered through Southeastern Louisiana University and serves as an introduction to statistical reasoning. Topics include graphical display of data, measures of central tendency and variability, sampling theory, the normal curve, standard scores, Student's T, Chi Square, and correlation techniques. This course is accessed through the Math XL website. A graphing calculator is required for this course.
MEDICAL MATH and HEALTH OCCUPATIONS - Juniors / Seniors - Elective - 1 credit
This course will introduce you to various medical professions and their applications. Topics include an overview of healthcare professions, body mechanics, clinical skills, vital signs, ambulating patients, standard precautions and legal responsibilities. The course also includes math skills, such as measurement systems, medical conversions, basic statistics and probability, and dosage calculations for oral and intravenous medications. Students in this course are REQUIRED to become a member of HOSA and must attend all workshops and conventions.
PERSONAL FINANCE - Juniors / Seniors - Elective - 1 credit
This course is designed to help students understand the impact of individual choices on occupational goals and future earnings potential. Topics covered will include income, money management, spending and credit, as well as saving and investing.